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Plugin Interfaces

MoveIt connects a number of different fields and provides a lot of interfaces so that users can override different parts of the framework and implement new concepts without having to touching the core of the framework. The following lists the different types of plugins and provides an overview over the use of them within the framework.





By implementing the move_group_capability.h interface it is possible to realize functionalities that are executed frequently. Each capability has access to the move group context including e.g. obstacle for collision avoidance.

Field of Application

Plugins of this type usually create communication functionality in form of a ros-action or a simple ros-topic and can operate on the move group context. Therefore, can be the possible applications very diverse.

Interface Description

The interface is defined in the move_group_capability.h. It mainly consists of an initialize function which has to be overwritten.

Concrete Implementation

Moveit offers a number of default capabilities. A description of these can be found here.

An example for a specific plugin is the cartesian_path_service_capability. This particular plugin can be used to compute a cartesian path. The implementation of the initialized function is shown below. In the example the plugin advertises a topic containing information about the trajectory and a service for computing a new trajectory.

void move_group::MoveGroupCartesianPathService::initialize()
  display_path_ = node_handle_.advertise<moveit_msgs::DisplayTrajectory>(planning_pipeline::PlanningPipeline::DISPLAY_PATH_TOPIC, 10, true);
  cartesian_path_service_ = root_node_handle_.advertiseService(CARTESIAN_PATH_SERVICE_NAME, &MoveGroupCartesianPathService::computeService, this);



The KinematicsBase interface enables you, to:

  • write your own forward and inverse kinematic solvers
  • wrap external kinematic solver libraries

Interface Description

The well documented interface is located here.

Concrete Implementations

Examples for implementations of the KinematicsBase are




Base class for MoveIt planners. By implementing it you can hook your own planners up to MoveIt.

Interface Description

The interface is defined in planning_interface.h.

Concrete Implementation

MoveIt’s default implementation of this interface is the OMPL Planner.



The concept of this type of plugin is explained as part of the MoveIt concept documentation.


Update/adjust a motion planning request before it passed to the solver and manipulate the resulting motion plan as generated by the planner. By default the following adapters are used in MoveIt:

  • AddTimeParameterization: add velocity and acceleration values to a kinematic trajectory based on max values, for post-processing
  • FixWorkspaceBounds: add a planning volume if one was not specified
  • FixStartStateBounds: ensure the joint values reported by the joint encoders are not past their limits
  • FixStartStateCollision: sometimes the current robot state as reported by the joint encoders are considered to be in collision according to the meshes and URDF - this is due to noise and modeling inaccuracies.
  • FixStartStatePathConstraints: fix violations of path constraints such as the orientation of a gripper while holding a glass of water
  • ResolveConstraintFrames: changes the frame of constraints that are defined via a subframe (e.g. a pose goal cup/handle) to an object or robot frame (e.g. cup)

Interface Description

The interface is located here.

Concrete Implementation

The planning request adapters are currently specified in ompl_planning_pipeline.launch generated for each robot. Examples for implementations of the PlanningRequestAdapters can all be found in this moveit_ros_planning folder




MoveIt does not enforce how controllers are implemented. To make your controllers usable by MoveIt, this interface needs to be implemented. The main purpose of this interface is to expose the set of known controllers and potentially to allow activating and deactivating them, if multiple controllers are available. It is often the case that multiple controllers could be used to execute a motion. Marking a controller as default makes MoveIt prefer this controller when multiple options are available. The manager also coordinates the switch between two controllers. A controller can be active or inactive. This means that MoveIt could activate the controller when needed, and de-activate controllers that overlap (control the same set of joints)

Concrete Implementation

The interfaces are defined in controller_manager.h. A concrete implementation can be found here: moveit_simple_controller_manager

controller_manager.launch could be look like this:

  <rosparam file="$(find xamla_egomo_moveit_config_dev)/config/controllers.yaml"/>
  <param name="use_controller_manager" value="true"/>
  <param name="trajectory_execution/execution_duration_monitoring" value="true"/>
  <param name="moveit_controller_manager" value="moveit_simple_controller_manager/MoveItSimpleControllerManager"/>

where the controllers are defined in the ‘controllers.yaml’.




By implementing the ControllerHandle.h interface it is possible to offer allocations of handlers for action based controllers. The controller handler are based on the class MoveItControllerHandle. These handlers communicate with the controller in order to e.g. send trajectories.

Field of Application


Interface Description

The interface is defined in ControllerHandle.h.

Concrete Implementation

An exemplary implementation of this interface is the joint_trajectory_controller_plugin.cpp. This is also currently the only implementation available.



This plugin is used to integrate sensores into the planning process. Defined in: sensor_manager.h


Holds information of sensors e.g.: The maximum distance along the Z axis at which observations can be executed. It can point a sensor towards a particular point in space. This may require executing a trajectory, but it may or may not execute that trajectory. If it does not, it returns it as part of the sensor_trajectory. This is the recommended behaviour, since the caller of this function can perform checks on the safety of the trajectory. The function returns true on success (either completing execution successfully or computing a trajecotory successfully)

Concrete Implementation






Interface Description


Concrete Implementation




Plugin API for loading a custom collision detection robot/world.


  namespace my_collision_checker
  class MyCollisionDetectorAllocator :
    public collision_detection::CollisionDetectorAllocatorTemplate<MyCollisionWorld, MyCollisionRobot, MyCollisionDetectorAllocator>
      static const std::string NAME_;
  const std::string MyCollisionDetectorAllocator::NAME_("my_checker");
  namespace collision_detection
  class MyCollisionDetectionLoader : public CollisionPlugin
    virtual bool initialize(const planning_scene::PlanningScenePtr& scene, bool exclusive) const
      scene->setActiveCollisionDetector(my_collision_checker::MyCollisionDetectorAllocator::create(), exclusive);
      return true;

Field of Application

If you want to use a customized collision detection algorithm for self-collisions or collisions with the environment then this is the plugin that provides the necessary interfaces.

Interface Description

The interface is defined in the collision_plugin.h. It mainly consists of an initialize function which has to be overwritten.

Concrete Implementation







Interface Description


Concrete Implementation






Old base class for MoveIt planners which has been removed in commit daa9fd2062df65e713e6c40570b2f7dceafed178. Was replaced by PlannerManager. This class can still be found in use by outdated code, for example SBPLMetaPlanner and ChompPlanner.