Join us for World MoveIt Day 2020!
We’re excited to announce the fifth annual World MoveIt Day is going virtual, and will be held on Tuesday, June 2, 2020 from wherever you are. World MoveIt Day is an international hackathon to improve the MoveIt code base, documentation, and community. Every year we close an impressive number of issues and merge nearly 100 pull requests, while exploring new areas of improvements for the now eight years strong framework.
This year’s hackathon is especially exciting with the arrival of MoveIt 2 Beta!
Everyone is welcome to participate from their local workplace, simply by working on open issues. Beginners are also welcome and can learn from the tutorials while having more possible users online to provide help.
We’ve also aligned the event with the start of our Google Summer of Code students and other interns. If you’re interested in gaining experience with open source robotics this summer, attending this event is a great place to get started. Contact world-moveit-day@picknik.ai for more info on volunteering this summer as a MoveIt intern.
Please register on this form so we have a rough idea of interest level and intent.
Organizers / More Info
PickNik Robotics // world-moveit-day@picknik.ai
Participating Remotely
Join the conversation on Discord (a chat client, different from Discourse) in the new MoveIt Server. Register instantly here.
For old school hackers, check out our IRC channel with #moveit at irc.freenode.net.
World MoveIt Day 2018 at TORK in Tokyo
How To Get Involved
Squash Bugs / Issues
Suggested areas for improvement are tracked on the MoveIt repository. Find appropriate issues by looking for these labels:
- moveit day candidate labels issues as possible entry points for participants in the event. Make sure to check this before the event This list will grow longer before the event.
- simple improvements indicates issues can probably be tackled in a few hours.
- documentation suggests new tutorials, changes to the website, etc.
- no label - of course issues that are not marked can still be worked on during World MoveIt day, though they will likely take longer than one day to complete.
If you would like to help the MoveIt project by tackling an issue, make sure to claim the issue by commenting before you start working:
> “I’ll work on this for WMD 2020”.
Feel free to ask further questions in each issue’s comments.
Improve the Docs
Improving our documentation for new and current users is always a goal of WMD!
Further needs for documentation and tutorials improvement can be found directly on the moveit_tutorials issue tracker.
If you have studied an aspect of MoveIt extensively that is not currently documented, please convert your notes into a pull request in the appropriate location. If you’ve started a conversation on the mailing list or other location where a more experienced developer explained a concept, consider converting that answer into a pull request to help others in the future with the same question.
For more details on modifying documentation, see Contributing.
Add Features
Generally a single day event is not enough time to complete a new feature, so we recommend you are sure you are committed to seeing the work through beyond World MoveIt Day before tackling a new feature.
Other larger code sprint ideas can be found on this page. While they will take longer than a day, the ideas might provide a good reference for other things to contribute on WMD.
Common & Beginner Questions
We’ve just refreshed the Frequently Asked Questions page for WMD 2020, check it out!
World MoveIt Day 2019 at Fetch in San Francisco