Join us for World MoveIt Day 2021!
Day of Reminders:
- For those experienced with MoveIt, it’s helpful to stress that you should choose your issue before the event. Post on the Github issue “I’m claiming this issue for World MoveIt Day”. Also if you wish to join a ‘Track’, find out more on GitHub
- Pre-setup ROS, MoveIt, Virtualbox, Docker, LXD, etc
- The download and setup time can significantly eat into the day’s productivity
- The recommended ROS versions are ROS 2 Galactic.
- Please try to install MoveIt 2 the day before and try a basic tutorial. Keep notes on anything that did not work or was not clear. Addressing those issues is perfect for World MoveIt Day. If you cannot fix it yourself, then you can create a new issue (and use the WMD tag).
- Join the Discord Server to meet other contributors and maintainers! We’ll be coordinating issues and tracks; along with hosting ‘Fireside Chats’ on discord voice and assisting with any installation issues in general channels.
- Attend Fireside chats during your closes timezone to meet MoveIt Maintainers for a live Q&A session in MoveIt’s Discord server (General Voice Channel)
- 12PM Tokyo March 10th
- 12PM Berlin March 10th
- 12PM Boulder March 10th
- 12PM San Francisco March 10th
Last things!
Don’t forget to take selfies and email to world-moveit-day@picknik.ai
World MoveIt Day Announcement:
The sixth annual World MoveIt Day, taking place on Wednesday March 10th 2021, is going to look a little different this year. COVID restrictions will once again keep the event virtual but we want to do our best to help bring the community together in these continued uncertain times. As an open source platform, MoveIt relies on our community and our goal this year is to increase our community involvement.
World MoveIt Day is an international hackathon to improve the MoveIt code base, documentation, and community. We hope to close as many pull requests and issues as possible and explore new areas of features and improvements for the now ten(!) year old framework. Beginners are welcome to join us to review the tutorials and get immediate help when needed. This year, the focus will be on improvements to MoveIt 2.
In addition to our hackathon, we will have scheduled lightning talks, fireside chats, prizes and more.
Wait - did you say prizes?
Yes! Participate in World MoveItDay 2021 solo or as part of a team. Winners will go into the MoveIt Hall of Fame and prizes will be awarded to those who:
- Have the most lines merged at the end of the day - team prize
- Merge the most PR’s - individual prize
- Review the most PR’s - individual prize
- Best lightning talk
Please register for World MoveIt Day here.
To participate, please register with this form so we have a rough idea of interest level and intent.
If you want to give a lightning talk, let us know when you register or send us a note at world-moveit-day@picknik.ai no later than March 1st. Lightning talks should be 2-3 minutes long and pre-recorded.
Organizers / More Info
PickNik Robotics // world-moveit-day@picknik.ai
Participating Remotely
There will be a livestream set up for this event (details coming soon).
Join the conversation on Discord (a chat client, different from Discourse) in the new MoveIt Server. Register instantly here.
World MoveIt Day 2018 at TORK in Tokyo
How To Get Involved
Squash Bugs / Issues
Suggested areas for improvement are tracked on the MoveIt 2 repository. Our team of maintainers is working on finding and labeling suggested issues for the event.
If you would like to help the MoveIt project by tackling an issue, make sure to claim the issue by commenting before you start working:
> “I’ll work on this for WMD 2021”.
Feel free to ask further questions in each issue’s comments.
Improve the Docs
Improving our documentation for new and current users is always a goal of WMD!
If you have studied an aspect of MoveIt extensively that is not currently documented, please convert your notes into a pull request in the appropriate location. If you’ve started a conversation on the mailing list or other location where a more experienced developer explained a concept, consider converting that answer into a pull request to help others in the future with the same question.
For more details on modifying documentation, see Contributing.
Add Features
Generally a single day event is not enough time to complete a new feature, so we recommend you are sure you are committed to seeing the work through beyond World MoveIt Day before tackling a new feature.
Other larger code sprint ideas can be found on this page. While they will take longer than a day, the ideas might provide a good reference for other things to contribute on WMD.
Common & Beginner Questions
We’ve just refreshed the Frequently Asked Questions page for WMD 2021, check it out!
World MoveIt Day 2019 at Fetch in San Francisco