MoveIt! Survey Results (2013)
Results of the MoveIt! Survey are now posted here. The response was fantastic - we had 105 responses by the deadline. There are 65 different robots on which MoveIt! is being used now, with multiple instances of each robot listed in the survey. Read the report to see more!
List of Robots using MoveIt!
- ABB IRB2400
- ABB IRB6640
- Aldebaran Nao (2)
- Aldebaran Romeo
- Arbotix PhantomX Pincher
- Barrett WAM
- Boston Dynamics Atlas (7)
- BioRob Arm
- Cerberus
- CKBot
- ClamArm
- CloPeMa Robot
- Comau NM45
- Cyton Veta
- Demining robot
- Denso robot (vs060)
- DIY Mobile Manipulator
- DLR-HIT Hand
- Dr. Robot
- Fanuc m10ia
- Fraunhofer Care-O-bot
- Fraunhofer Rob@Work
- HDT arm with Base
- Hiro (Nextage)
- Hoap3
- HRP-4 (simulation) (3)
- HRP2
- Hubo
- iarm ABB
- iCub
- IRB2400
- Kawada Hiro
- Kinova Jaco (3)
- Korus Homemate robot
- KUKA LBR (3)
- Kuka Lightweight Arm (7)
- KUKA OmniRob
- KUKA youBot (2)
- Lego NXT
- Lyncmotion servo erector set
- Meka M3 Robot (2)
- Motoman SIA10d (2)
- Motoman SIA20 (2)
- Motoman SIA5
- Neuronics Katana (2)
- PAL Robotics REEM (2)
- PAL Robotics REEM-C
- Pi Robot
- Pioneer P3AT
- Pisa Velvet Gripper
- Willow Garage PR2 (16)
- Rethink Robotics Baxter (8)
- Robonaut
- Robonaut2
- Schunk 7DOF
- Schunk Dextreous Hand
- Schunk LWA (3)
- Schunk Powerball
- Shadow Robot Arm and Hand
- Summit XL-Terabot
- TUM Rosie
- Universal Robots UR10 (2)
- Universal robot UR5 (7)