New PAL Mobile Manipulation Robot TIAGo runs MoveIt!
[cross-listed from Jordi Pagès email to MoveIt! Users]
Dear MoveIt! users. At PAL Robotics we are proud to introduce you to our latest robot the Mobile Manipulator TIAGo (Take It And Go), aimed at becoming your best research partner.
TIAGo is a mobile research platform enabled for perception, manipulation and interaction tasks. It is fully compatible with ROS and furthermore it comes with MoveIt! integrated. Some of the available out-of-the-box functionalities are:
- Multi-sensor navigation
- Collision free motion planning
- Detection of people, faces and objects
- Speech recognition and synthesis
All of which can be replaced for your own implementations: our system is open for you and adapts to your needs.
Discover more about TIAGo at the website:
For further information contact us at tiago@pal-robotics.com. We will be pleased to answer any doubts and help you with your research.
We look forward to hearing back from you.
Kindest regards,
The PAL Robotics team
P.S.: A peek of some of the other things we do: