Report On Third Annual World MoveIt! Day
Hi everyone!
We are happy to report that World MoveIt! Day was once again a great success with users from around the world joining the event.
We would like to thank everyone who participated, sponsored, and supported in this year’s event. We’re excited to see new locations and interest in MoveIt!
MoveIt! continues to grow and improve and we appreciate everyone’s contributions.
Now for the numbers:
- Number of official locations: 12
- Number of participants: 100
Locations and participants:
- 27 @ TORK, Tokyo, Japan
- 16 @ Fraunhofer IPA (Pilz, Bosch, Isys, and IPA), Stuttgart, Germany
- 12 @ IronOx, San Francisco, USA
- 10 @ Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, USA
- 11 @ ROS-Industrial Asian Pacific Consortium, Singapore
- 8 @ PickNik, Boulder, USA
- 6 @ Cluster Innovation Centre, New Delhi, India
- 5 @ Shadow Robot Company, London, UK
- 2 @ Modular Motions, Berkeley, USA
- 1 @ Green Robots Machinery Pvt. Ltd. (individual), Bangalore, India
- 1 @ KRC (individual), Tokyo, Japan
- 1 @ Prisma lab (individual), Naples, Italy
A few other stats from the event and 30 days after These are from the three key moveit repos: moveit, moveit_tutorials, and moveit.ros.org. There are many other MoveIt! related repos that we did not measure for this report out of laziness:
- 85 pull requests merged
- 41 pull requests opened
- 97 issues closed
- 107 issues opened
Some pictures from some of the locations:
If your organization is interested in sponsoring code-sprints please see the list of ideas and contact PickNik Consulting for more information.