Announcing MoveIt 2 Alpha Release
Status of the port to ROS 2
We’re happy to see there has been a lot progress made in creating MoveIt 2 since the project began in February. Acutronic Robotics dedicated a large engineering effort in collaboration with PickNik Consulting and the MoveIt maintainers to make this possible.
The goal of this effort was to move fast in creating a minimum viable product port. This MVP is not to be mistaken for a complete port and much of the work has yet to get merged upstream to the ros-planning organization. At the time of writing, the MoveIt 2 Alpha release is capable of planning simple joint-space problems.
Motivated by this progress and to align with the release of ROS 2 Dashing Diademata, Acutronic Robotics is proud to announce the alpha release of MoveIt 2.
MoveIt 2 Alpha Release
This release delivers the following
- ROS 2 distro: Dashing Diademata
- OS support: Ubuntu 18.04 and Mac OS X 10.14 (minor OS X issues remain)
- Preliminary instructions on how to install and test Acutronic’s work by source
- CI infrastructure for MoveIt 2 and ROS 2
- Capability to plan to joint-space goals
ROS Packages Ported
Acutronic Robotics has put significant resources into porting the following packages into their fork. These changes will be making their way through code review to be merged upstream as part of this release:
MoveIt 2 Packages:
- moveit_core
- moveit_fake_controller_manager
- moveit_planners_ompl
- moveit_resources
- moveit_ros_perception
- moveit_ros_planning
- moveit_msgs
- moveit_resources
External Dependencies
- geometry2
- geometric_shapes
- eigen_stl_containers
- object_recognition_msgs
- octomap_msgs
- random_numbers
- srdfdom
- urdf_parser_py
- octomap
Known Issues
At the time of writing, the following known issues have been identified and apply to the ROS 2 target distro (Dashing Diademata) creating conflicts with this release:
- ROS 2 actions not compiling in OpenSplice [1] [2]
- Docker port mapping issue affects the launch of the demonstrator from the Docker image.
- Issues with rviz2 in OS X
- Issues with Qt5 in OS X