World MoveIt Day 2019
The fourth annual World MoveIt Day will be Wednesday, November 20th, 2019! The event is a day long international hackathon to improve the MoveIt code base, increase documentation, and discuss exciting developments in our community. We hope to close as many pull requests and issues as possible and explore new areas of features and improvements building off of our seven years of ongoing work.
- Wednesday, November 20th, 2019
- See specific locations for details on times
World MoveIt Day is an international hackathon to improve the MoveIt code base, documentation, and community. We hope to close as many pull requests and issues as possible and explore new areas of features and improvements for the now eight year old framework. Everyone is welcome to participate from their local workplace, simply by working on open issues.
In addition, a number of companies and groups host meetings on their sites all over the world. A video feed will unite the various locations and enable more collaboration. Maintainers will take part in some of these locations.
Please state your intent to join or host the international event on this form.
Event Locations
2019 locations that have been confirmed so far:
- Germany, Hamburg, Universität Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
- Event details & sign-up
- Organizer: Group TAMS
- Japan, Tokyo, OMRON SINIC X, Tokyo Opensource Robotics Kyokai
- Event details & sign-up
- Organizer: Felix von Drigalski
- India, Chandigarh, Embedded Group of UIET, Panjab University
- Organizer: Pallav Bhalla / Ankur Bhatia
- India, New Delhi, Cluster Innovation Centre, Delhi University
- Organizer: Ridhwan Luthra
- Singapore, Advanced Remanufacturing and Technology Centre (ARTC) / ROS-Industrial Asian Pacific
- Organizer: Sheila Suppiah
- Event details
- USA, San Antonio, Southwest Research Institute / ROS-Industrial Consortium Americas
- Organizer: Jorge Nicho
- Event details
- USA, Boulder, PickNik Consulting
- Organizer: Rob Coleman
- Event details
- USA, CA, Union City, Vicarious
- Organizer: Peter So
- USA, CA, San Jose, Fetch Robotics
- Organizer: Amel Ali
- USA, ID, Pocatello, Idaho State University
- Organizer: Omid Heidari
If you aren’t near an organized event we encourage you to have your own event in your lab/organization/company and video conference in to all the other events. We would also like to mail your team or event some MoveIt stickers to schwag out your robots with. State your intent to join or host on this form.
Organizers / More Info
PickNik Robotics // world-moveit-day@picknik.ai
What version of MoveIt should you use?
We recommend building the master branch or the Melodic LTS release. The Kinetic branch development has ended but is still under Long Term Support.
You can also use a Docker container for easy setup.
Finding Where You Can Help
Suggested areas for improvement are tracked on the MoveIt repository. Find appropriate issues by looking for these labels:
- moveit day candidate labels issues as possible entry points for participants in the event. Make sure to check this before the event This list will grow longer before the event.
- simple improvements indicates issues can probably be tackled in a few hours.
- documentation suggests new tutorials, changes to the website, etc.
- no label - of course issues that are not marked can still be worked on during World MoveIt day, though they will likely take longer than one day to complete.
If you would like to help the MoveIt project by tackling an issue, make sure to claim the issue by commenting before you start working:
> “I’ll work on this for WMD 2019”.
Feel free to ask further questions in each issue’s comments.
Further needs for documentation and tutorials improvement can be found directly on the moveit_tutorials issue tracker.
Other larger code sprint ideas can be found on this page. While they will take longer than a day the ideas might provide a good reference for other things to contribute on WMD.
Improving our documentation for new and current users is always a goal of WMD!
If you have studied an aspect of MoveIt extensively that is not currently documented, please convert your notes into a pull request in the appropriate location. If you’ve started a conversation on the mailing list or other location where a more experienced developer explained a concept, consider converting that answer into a pull request to help others in the future with the same question.
For more details on modifying documentation, see Contributing.
Video Conference and IRC
Join the conversation on IRC with #moveit at irc.freenode.net. For those new to IRC try this web client.
Join the video conference on Appear.In