MoveIt Noetic Update
We are proud to announce a new release of Noetic is on the way. There were 60 separate commits that are new since the last release of MoveIt. Here is a summary of what new changes there are:
- Add utility functions to Python PSI: add/detach objects, apply_planning_scene() #2532
- Make setToIKSolverFrame accessible again #2580
- Python bindings for moveit_core #2547
- add get_active_joint_names #2533
- Provide a function to set the position of active joints in a JointModelGroup #2456
- RobotModelBuilder: Add parameter to specify the joint rotation axis
- RobotModelBuilder: Allow adding end effectors #2454
- Sanitize CHOMP initialization method parameter #2540
- Order PlaceLocations by quality during planning #2378
- Support multiple planning pipelines with MoveGroup via MoveItCpp #2127
- FixStartStateBounds: Copy attached bodies when adapting the start state #2398
- Allow selecting planning pipeline in RViz MotionPlanningDisplay
- Low latency mode #2401
- Update MSA launch templates for multi-pipeline support
- Add Pilz industrial motion planner #1893
- Add test to OMPL interface for StateValidityChecker #2247
- Add test for PlanningContextManager in ompl interface #2248
- Enable mesh filter #2448
- Improve robustness of subframes test #2488
- Improve robustness of move group interface test #2484
- Unit Test for ByteString-based ROS msg conversion #2362
- Update doxygen comments for distance() and interpolate() #2528
- Clean up collision-related log statements #2480
- Fix doxygen documentation for setToIKSolverFrame #2461
- Update collision-related comments #2382 #2388
- Fix some typos in comments #2466
- Add debugging log statement for a common error #2509
- Replaced eigen+kdl conversions with tf2_eigen + tf2_kdl #2472
- Delete CollisionRequest min_cost_density
- Changed processing_thread_ spin to use std::make_unique instead of new #2412
- Python3 compatibility for ikfast’s round_collada_numbers.py #2473
- Fix scaling factor parameter names #2452
- Suppress warnings “mesh_use_embedded_materials is ignored”
- Refactor Servo velocity bounds enforcement #2471
- Cleanup current state handling in servo #2372
- Change servo namespacing logic #2354
- MSA launch files: fix indentation #2371
- pilz planner: add string includes #2483
- Use kinematics solver timeout if not specified otherwise #2489
- Upgrade cmake_minimum_required to 3.1 #2453
- Halt Servo command on Pose Tracking stop #2501
Bug Fixes
- Fix logic, improve function comment for clearDiffs() #2497
- Fix RobotState::dropAccelerations/dropEffort to not drop velocities #2478
- Fix validation of orientation constraints #2434
- Fix OrientationConstraint::decide #2414
- Fix missing isEmpty check in compute_ik service #2544
- It’s not an error not to define a plugin #2521
- Fixed flood of errors on startup for mesh_filter #2550
- PlanExecution: Correctly handle preempt-requested flag #2554
- thread safety in clear octomap & only update geometry #2500
- Python interface improvements. Fix #1966, add enforceBounds #2356
- Fix various issues in PlanningScene / MotionPlanning displays #2588
- Catch exceptions during RobotModel loading in rviz #2468
- Fix QObject::connect: Cannot queue arguments of type ‘QVector’ #2392
- stop_requested_ flag clearing fix #2537
- Add missing include #2519
- Protect paused_ flag, for thread safety #2494
- Do not break out of loop – need to update low pass filters #2496
- Fix initial angle error is always 0 #2464
- Add an important sleep in Servo pose tracking #2463
- Prevent moveit_servo transforms between fixed frames from causing timeout #2418
- Move timer initialization down to fix potential race condition
- Fix pose tracking race condition #2395
- Fix servo trajectory point timestamping #2375
- Fix ordering of windup args to control_toolbox::Pid #2370
- Fix segfault in MSA #2564
- Missing RViz and moveit_simple_controller_manager dependencies in MSA template #2455
- Fix empty sequence in moveit_setup_assistant #2406
- Add missing dependency on joint_limits_interface #2487
Thank You
This release comes with features from 31 different contributors.
- AdamPettinger
- AndyZe
- Bjar Ne
- Boston Cleek
- Christian Henkel
- Cong Liu
- David V. Lu!!
- Felix von Drigalski
- Henning Kayser
- Immanuel Martini
- Jafar Abdi
- Jere Liukkonen
- Jeroen
- John Stechschulte
- Markus Vieth
- Michael Görner
- Nathan Brooks
- parunapu
- Peter Mitrano
- petkovich
- Pilz GmbH and Co. KG
- Robert Haschke
- sevangelatos
- Shota Aoki
- Simon Schmeisser
- Stuart Anderson
- Thomas G
- tkovich
- Tobias Fischer
- Tyler Weaver
- Udbhavbisarya23